Relaxing Aroma Diffuser.

This Aroma Diffuser is designed for YHL(TAIWAN). We think that the people who would use an aroma diffuser are those who seek “relaxation”. However, the aroma diffusers on today’s market are usually tall and slim in shape, therefore don’t give off a sense of “softness” on first impression. So when we go for a “softer” design, we are thinking of a lower proportional height and a more round shaped design. Even though the product still has square-like outline, it also has soft edges---an in-between shape of both a cubic and a ball. This aroma diffuser has a translucent white cover. When turned on, the light on the bottom will release a soft shine from the top and give the whole space a relaxed vibe. In any space, Yunshui’s products not only have an iconic shape but also embody the internal design that promises true healing and relaxation.


Aroma diffuser

This Aroma Diffuser is designed for YHL(TAIWAN). We think that the people who would use an aroma diffuser are those who seek “relaxation”. However, the aroma diffusers on today’s market are usually tall and slim in shape, therefore don’t give off a sense of “softness” on first impression. So when we go for a “softer” design, we are thinking of a lower proportional height and a more round shaped design. Even though the product still has square-like outline, it also has soft edges---an in-between shape of both a cubic and a ball. This aroma diffuser has a translucent white cover. When turned on, the light on the bottom will release a soft shine from the top and give the whole space a relaxed vibe. In any space, Yunshui’s products not only have an iconic shape but also embody the internal design that promises true healing and relaxation.